Build your
Metaverse pop-up I ads l promotion l brand world
Metaverse game marketing
Promote your brand in the metaverse space. Create a brand world on The Sandbox Land, where more than 4 million users from around the world advertise, create promote, or sell digital products.
Metaverse pop-up
Rent the Sandbox Land, affiliated with YGRAM, for a time period of your choice, to promote new products or hold a launching party on metaverse. You will attract many users if you come up with digital promotion rewards for users at the metaverse pop-up booth.
Metaverse studio
There is YGRAM Studio where you can design and plan marketing strategies in the metaverse world with your own unique world view.
Y GRAM studio will help you plan the game, and assist in producing metaverse voxel asset/video/game/world. Hold and monetize with your metaverse content with our marketing, games, and blockchain experts!
Consulting & Education
First time with metaverse?
From organizing metaverse concepts to sharing business trends, we provide one-stop metaverse marketing consulting so that you can apply it to your business right away.